
Paleksic_16May15(31)Hi, welcome to Sarah Patterson Photography. I am Sarah. Mom, wife, student, furniture geek, wine lover, traveler, and most importantly in this context I am a photographer. In 2001 I took my first photography class. This was before digital was all the rage, and we learned how to shoot with FILM. Fast forward 15 years, 6 cameras, and more hours in the dark room that I care to admit and I still love the art of photography.

Capturing a great image with the perfect light is magic. Because light is my passion I photograph anything, and everyone as frequently as I can. If I was pressed to choose a favourite subject, it would have to be aerial photography. Shooting from an airplane is difficult for a variety of reasons, and capturing the magic images is challenging. Light, weather, timing, location, reflection and turbulence all play a part. In most types of photography many of those factors can be controlled, but with aerial much is left up to chance which makes capturing magic aerial images that much more difficult, and exciting.

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